Saturday, June 15, 2019

In what ways are horses used as symbolism in the plays The New York Essay

In what ways are knights used as symbolism in the plays The New York Idea by Landgon Mitchell, and the play Mazeppa by Henry - Essay ExampleIn order to understand why horses are used in both stories, we must take a closer look at the general perception of what horses stand for. According to Psychics and Mediums Network, a fantastic website dedicated to the description of dreams and symbols, horses in a dream mean value the following Wild forces that have been tamed are symbolized by the horse. Horses are also a symbol of sexual activity and were considered by Freud to represent the terrifying aspect of the father. To dream of ridding an out-of-control horse, may indicate that you are being carried away by your passions, whereas a tightly tethered horse may show that you inhibit these natural feelings. Therefore, horses reflect on the feelings of individualswhere they are going and what they are doing. This concept is certainly used in both Mitchell and Milners works. As noted abov e, horses are used to judge different individual actions. In the introduction of The New York Idea, Mitchell states, interestingly enough The temperament of the race-horse has to be considered untold more, that of the star. (2). This is an important concept in relation to what we have already been discussing. The author is basically admitting the purpose of the horses in the play itselfto reflect on the actions and emotions of individuals. In Mazeppa, we elate a similar stance. The bulk of the narrative focuses on a romantic journey on a horse, the horse serving as sort of shunning from reality, or ones emotions and personal responsibilities. This is especially accurate if we compare this with the Freudian interpretation of horses above. Horses can represent one being carried away by ones passions, and this seems to be in line with what is going on in Mazeppa. Therefore, the general interpretation of what horses can mean symbolically certainly ties plump for to what Mazeppa is tr ying to reveal a horse can mean. Another concept present in Psychics and Mediums network is the reflection of what horses generally mean in mythic terms, and again, this concept can be used to better understand the symbols present in both stories that we are discussing. According to Psychics and Mediums Network, horses can myth logically mean the following In some myths and fairytales horses speak. In dreams, this represents the voice of your unconscious- a message from your innermost self. In Greek myth, horses were associated with Hades, the underworld and death. However, dream prophecy says that to dream of horses indicates that you give receive news from a distance. And it is extremely lucky to dream of a horse being shod. So, the journey of the horse in Mazeppa can be cerebrate to the ultimate dying of all human journeysthat of death. Basically, there is the sense that no take what we do with our lives, all of us will eventually face this end of the journey, or the ultimat e end, of relinquishing our souls. This concept is not as present in The New York Idea, but if we think of the races present in the story as a type of journey for the horses, then we see a similar concept present that of the journey and the finish, and whether ones wins or loses it does not really seem to matter when one reaches the final end of all things. The other interesting point to note about this interpretation of horses is the concept of receiving news from a dista

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