Thursday, June 13, 2019

Team Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Team Management - Essay ExampleTherefore, teams enable the individualist members to bring into their teams special skills and knowledge, different experience as well as diverse cultural exposure. Teams also allow for a speedy communication exhibit as feedback can be achieved in short periods of time (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992). Mullins, (2005) identifies some potential problems in teams as conflicts which arise due to differences in individuals carriage of doing things, unforesightful leadership of the team if especially the mode of communication the team adopts is very centralised.Cranny, Smith, and Stone, (1992) identifies personality differences as another cause of team failure given the incident that individuals may fail to work together if they have major or irreconcilable personality differences. If a team lacks clear focus for its aims and objectives there is constantly a likelihood that such teams may end up failing to achieve the very goals they were formed to achie ve. Therefore the management has a role in team building especially through encouraging collective responsibility amongst team members.Teams cannot function in an environment free from conflicts and therefore the only way to achieve team goals and objectives is by engaging in ensnareive conflict resolution strategies through strengthening of teams. Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, (2005) defines a team as a clod group of people working together with an aim of achieving common goals. Teams are important in that, they improve performance in an organization, they enhance communication and they buzz off an organization more competitive in that they draw from a wide range of talent. On the other hand, groups are less formal and less limpid and thrive best outside the make-up and whenever groups exist within the organisation, it is usually in a non formal setting. This paper looks at conflicts in teams as the exclusive most threat to team survival and team spirit. In addition, the pa per outlines as well as analyzes conflict management process in teams. melody organizations are constantly striving to achieve efficiency and effectiveness on the part of the work force. The numerous challenges organizations are faced with such as contest activity and unfavorable business environment all play a very important role in determining the mastery of the organization. Of all resources an organisation has in its disposal none is perhaps as relevant and important to the success of the organisation than the human resources.Human resources if managed well hold the key to the success of the organization. According to Cranny, Smith, and Stone, (1992) human resources output is higher when the employees function as a team than it is the case when employees function in their individual units. A synergetic effect is what results when organizations embrace team spirit. However, creating functional and efficient teams calls for expertise, tolerance and a lot of motivation on the pa rt of the organization. Teams enable employees to exploit their potential and therefore join on job performance. A team consists of members with diverse experience, skills and

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